Hernandez, RosalvaHoff, LoriKutcher, Rachel2019-09-252019-09-252018-05https://hdl.handle.net/11299/208296Professional paper for the fulfillment of the Master of Public Policy degree.This project utilizes statistical data and stories from non-custodial parents to illustrate racial and economic disproportionalities in the Minnesota Child Support system caseload as well as in arrears and use of enforcements. Engagements with state and county frontline staff and non-custodial fathers further illuminates barriers created by current child support policies, practices, and communications strategies. Commonly described themes include debt/arrears, interest charging, orders that are too high for current income, difficult requesting adjustments to order and filing motions, and credit bureau reporting. Due to the volume of issues related to the driver’s license suspension enforcement and documented racial disproportionalities in its application, special attention is given to documenting and mapping these barriers. Prototypes of new CSD communication tools regarding driver’s license suspension are provided, while policy changes are also recommended in the long-termenCommunity Voices in Child SupportCommunity Voices in Child SupportThesis or Dissertation