Burrows, KyleNesse, KristinaOwen, AndrewSnowden, Renan2017-03-272017-03-272013https://hdl.handle.net/11299/185388Report and presentation completed by students enrolled in PA 8081: Land Use and Transportation Capstone Workshop, taught by Mike Greco in spring 2013.This project was completed as part of the 2012-2013 Resilient Communities Project (rcp.umn.edu) partnership with the City of Minnetonka. Looking to reduce rush hour travel demand, the City of Minnetonka was interested in exploring travel demand management (TDM) strategies. Minnetonka project lead and city planner Jeff Thomson worked with a group of students in PA 8081: Land Use and Transportation Planning Capstone, to develop TDM recommendations. The students recommended Minnetonka use a two-stage TDM policy framework; establish TDM focus areas to guide the selection of TDM strategies; integrate TDM policies and requirements into the existing development review process; and implement annual reporting and evaluation. The students' final report and presentation are available.ensustainabilitylocal governmentMinnetonkatransportation demand management (TDM)travel demand management (TDM)Minnetonka Projects, 2012-2013Transportation Demand Management Policy StudyPresentation