Schwartz, George M.2010-01-252010-01-251936 map inserts as pdfs, scales from 1:2,000 to 1:250,000.Geology, or a knowledge of the rocks and surface features of a region, becomes increasingly important as the region is settled and develops into a center of population. This bulletin is the outgrowth of repeated requests to the director of the Minnesota Geological Survey for detailed data on various geologic phases of the area in and near Minneapolis and St. Paul. The immediate requests resulting in the work came from the Metropolitan Regional Planning Association, the Metropolitan Drainage Commission, and the 1932 Water Commission appointed by the City Council of Minneapolis. Most earlier reports, being written primarily for the geologist, employed many technical terms; also they gave generalizations rather than the specific data most useful to the engineer. There is need, therefore, of a summary of the detailed knowledge of the geology of the region and a tabulation of quantitative data. This report is an attempt to answer that demand.engeologyMinneapolisMinnesota Geological SurveySt. PaulBulletin No. 27. The Geology of the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan AreaMap