Streby, Henry MPeterson, Sean MKramer, Gunnar RAndersen, David E2017-01-202017-01-202013-12-31 new data were collected for this project during 2013 but the RWO was extended into 2014 to support graduate student Sean Peterson during thesis completion and manuscript preparation. That thesis was successfully defended in November 2013, and the final thesis will be submitted to the University of Minnesota in early 2014 and disseminated to all cooperators as a Final Report for this project in 2014 along with all other published products. This 2013 annual report summarizes completed products and plans for additional data analysis, manuscript preparation, and publication in refereed outlets. So far we have produced 11 manuscripts from this project, of which 4 are published, 1 is in press, 4 are in review or revision, and 2 will be submitted for review in January 2014. We are organizing data and conducting analysis for 5 additional manuscripts. A second graduate student, Gunnar Kramer (supported on a separate RWO) will produce 2 of those manuscripts as part of his thesis. During 2013, we presented results from this project in 8 presentations; 5 at professional conferences, 2 at public venues, and 1 at a university. We have scheduled 2 additional professional presentations for 2014.enDEMOGRAPHIC RESPONSE OF GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER TO HABITAT MANAGEMNET ACROSS A CLIMATE CHANGE GRADIENT IN THE CORE OF THE SPECIES' RANGE: 2013 SUMMARY REPORTReport