Sippel, Christopher2017-10-092017-10-092017-06 of Minnesota D.Ed. dissertation. 2017. Major: Educational Policy and Administration. Advisors: Christopher Johnstone, Deanne Magnusson. 1 computer file (PDF); 161 pages.The purpose of this study was to examine the perspectives of teacher educators on the internationalization of their discipline. This study utilized both qualitative and quantitative methods, interviews, survey, and observation, to understand the views of the teacher educators in a homogenous and localized teacher education program. The study findings indicate that while the teacher educators in this case study are supportive of the internationalization of their discipline, a multitude of barriers prohibit its advancement. Perhaps most importantly the teacher educators saw themselves as one of the main barriers. They identified that they lack the appropriate background and experience to offer an internationalized program. It emerged that many of them are still experiencing a developmental trajectory in their own international understanding. This study helped to identify the stages of development for teacher educators and how institutions and discipline-specific organizations may engage teacher educators in the process of internationalization, especially making sure that efforts target teacher educators at the appropriate stage in their development. These lessons may be valuable for other teacher education programs, especially those with homogeneous and localized faculty demographics.enInternationalizationTeacher EducationTeacher EducatorsUnderstanding Teacher Educator Perspectives on the Internationalization of Teacher EducationThesis or Dissertation