University of Minnesota: Faculty Consultative Committee2011-04-212011-04-211985-12-05 Minutes of November 14, 1985 2. Report of the Chair -winter quarter meeting with the Regents -Making good Senate agendas -Tbpics for future forums • 3. Response to the Coordinating Carmi ttee 1 s request for the FCC to revisv and comment on the plan suhnitted by the General College Task Force Group on Carmi tment to FbCUs and President Keller 1 s letter to the Regents in response to that plan. 4. FCC relationships to committees of the Regents: policy and procedures. 5. Resolving differences between Finance and Faculty Affairs Corrmittees 1 recorrmendations on University one-year supplementary coverage for decreased mental health care insurance. DISCUSSION WITH PRESIDENT KELlER 6. Central administration policy plans regarding a strong faculty: hiring, the granting of tenure, retention, and measures for ensuring faculty vitality. 7. Review policy and practices for deans and other high-level adrninistra tors.en-USsenateMinutes: Faculty Consultative Committee: December 5, 1985Minutes