Setterholm, Dale R.2010-09-152010-09-152010County Atlas Series, C-22 pls. Scales 1:100,000 and 1:200,000. Pl. 1, data-base map; pl. 2, bedrock geology; pl. 3, surficial geology; pl. 4 Quaternary stratigraphy; pl. 5, sand distribution model and Precambrian bedrock geology; pl. 6, bedrock topography, and depth to bedrock. Supplementary files include ArcGis coverages, shapefiles and/or ESRI grids used to construct the plates, and metadata.Surface and subsurface geology of Chisago CountyenatlasgeologyChisagoMinnesotaC-22 Geologic Atlas of Chisago County, Minnesota [Part A]Map