Sims, Nancy A.2018-07-272018-07-272016-06Sims, Nancy. My unpublished research was scooped?: Misconduct reveals one way copyright preserves academic values. College & Research Libraries News, [S.l.], v. 77, n. 6, p. 296-301, june 2016. ISSN 2150-6698. Available at: <>. the lens of a case of academic misconduct involving one research group publishing the findings of another, this article explores why U.S. copyright law does not protect data or ideas, and the related concepts of "idea-expression dichotomy" and the "merger doctrine". It also explains how this approach aligns with important values shared by most academics.encopyrightacademic publishingidea-expression dichotomymerger doctrineuncopyrightabilityMy unpublished research was scooped?: Misconduct reveals one way copyright preserves academic valuesArticle10.5860/crln.77.6.9509