University of Minnesota Board of Regents2007-02-192007-02-191980"Proposed Assoc. Applied Science Degree Program with an American Indian Mental Health option, College of Educ. UMD; Discussion of proposed hotel on East Bank Campus, Mpls; Approve Phase I of Folwell Hall remodeling; Early retirement policy for faculty extended to June 30, 1983; B.S. degree in dance, College of Educ. proposed; B.S. in Pharmacy & the Pharm.D. Degrees discussed; Approve listed resolution re payment of prevailing wage rates affiliated with Building, construction, alteration & repairs of U bldgs; List of parcels of property with sales potential & admin. procedures for sale of land; Amend action re lease of U land adjacent to Duluth campus for student housing; Amendment to 1981-83 request re repairs & betterments." (source: card index to Regents Minutes in University Archives)en-USLegislatureDegreesSalariesLandMinutes: Board of Regents Meeting and Regents Committee Meetings: October 16-17, 1980Other