Khani, AlirezaDeBruin, Hannah2024-06-272024-06-272024-06-27 "Rural Transit and Fare Payment Survey" collected responses from 2023-02-01 to 2023-03-24. Survey responses intended to analyze Western Minnesota rural area residents' attitude about public transit, transit health and safety measures, and fare payment methods before the deployment of contactless payment system. Two transit users were interviewed between 2024-02-01 and 2024-02-29 regarding the attitude toward transit contactless payment, and the interview file is a summary.The survey focuses on access and demographic disparities in the use of contactless fare payment and comfort/discomfort in using it in rural areas. Questions about passenger acceptance of technology, biases, and monetary capability were included to assess the magnitude of these challenges. Specifically, survey questions were developed to assess transit usage patterns throughout the pandemic, attitudes about COVID-19-related safety concerns, and fare payment. The first section of the survey includes questions about the frequency of transit use for different periods. This is then followed by questions about access to a smartphone, mobile data plan, and internet, along with the questions asking for sociodemographic information of respondents. The interviews focused on transit users' experience during and after the implementation of contactless fare payment. The passenger interview focused on the attitude towards the contactless fare payment.Attribution 4.0 InternationalRural transitContactless paymentSurvey and Interviews on Contactless Payment for Western Minnesota Rural TransitDataset