Slauch, Ian MDeceglie, Michael GSilverman, Timothy JFerry, Vivian E2021-01-082021-01-082021-01-08 are sorted into folders depending on the figure in the manuscript to which they pertain. Many figures use data from simulation or experimental results. The results are placed in each folder as obtained from the experimental apparatus or simulation software in .csv format. MATLAB code written to support this work is provided. Input files for ray tracing simulations (SunSolve, PVLighthouse) and finite-element simulations (TOMCAT, NREL) are provided. SunSolve is third-party software to which NREL pays a subscription and the provided files are only compatible with that software as far as the authors are aware.These data comprise the raw experimental and simulation results of, and the computer code written to support, the work described in the manuscript "Optical Approaches for Passive Thermal Management in c-Si Photovoltaic Modules" submitted by the listed authors to the publication Joule, and are here submitted in accordance with the data archiving policy of the journal. These data contain primarily results from the third-party ray tracing software "SunSolve" published by PVLighthouse ( and results from the finite-element simulation software "TOMCAT", published by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory ( Additionally, the code written as a part of this work (MATLAB) has been provided.CC0 1.0 Universalsolar energyphotovoltaicsspectrally selective structuresthermal managementRaw Data and Code for Optical Approaches for Passive Thermal Management in c-Si Photovoltaic ModulesDataset