Farrell, Thomas2022-01-292022-01-292022-01This version was not previously published.https://hdl.handle.net/11299/226181See the above abstract.In my 4,100-word review essay "Pope Francis' 1991 Reflections on Corruption, and Walter J. Ong's Thought," I discuss the Argentine Jesuit Jorge Mario Bergoglio's 1991 essay "Reflections on the Subject of Corruption" as reprinted in 2005 by then-Cardinal Bergoglio and as now translated in the 2014 100-page book The Way of Humility: Corruption and Sin; On Self-Accusation, translated by Helena Scott (San Francisco: Ignatius Press). Concerning Bergoglio's 1991 reflections on corruption, I draw of Dr. Austen Ivereigh's discussion in January 2022 in Commonweal. My wide-ranging review essay also includes discussion of Jesuit spirituality and of the mature work of the American Jesuit Renaissance specialist and cultural historian Walter J. Ong (1912-2003; Ph.D. in English, Harvard University, 1955).enPope Francis, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Austen Ivereigh, Walter J. OngPope Francis' 1991 Reflections on Corruption, and Walter J. Ong's ThoughtScholarly Text or Essay