Reilly, Evelyn C2023-08-162023-08-162023-08-16 timeline was created to document the development of Kernza® perennial grain, harvested from improved varieties of intermediate wheatgrass. It includes agronomic, genetic, environmental, food science, and social research along with farmer adoption, policy, supply chain coordination, and commercialization. This work was achieved through the collaboration of dozens of researchers, farmers, business partners, policy advocates, and more. The timeline includes extensive dates from early work at the Rodale Institute during the 80’s and 90’s, such as cycles of selection and crosses made. Key milestones are noted from the early 2000’s to 2010’s, when research shifted to The Land Institute. Increasingly detailed information on events, publications, network development, commercialization, research, and other topics is available from the early 2010’s to 2022, as Kernza breeding programs were initiated at several universities, commercial production began, and formalized market and supply chain development efforts accelerated. This timeline focuses on US work, but Kernza research and production have expanded to multiple countries, including Canada, France, Sweden, Ukraine, and Uruguay. Of course, this timeline does not capture everything of importance that occurred during this period. The timeline was compiled by KernzaCAP collaborators in 2022 through a combination of crowdsourcing, interviews, and conversations with people in the Kernza network (including researchers, policy advocates, farmers, commercialization staff, chefs, business owners and end users) as well as review of peer-reviewed publications, emails, meeting agendas, popular press articles, Minnesota State Legislature records, and web pages of universities, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies. Though the information is accurate to the best of our ability, the length of the timeline and its crowd-sourced nature introduce the possibility of errors. Where possible, links are included to the source, such as a peer-reviewed article, newspaper article, or other publication. For a more condensed version of this timeline that celebrates the past 40 years of work in the United States, see: KernzaCAP is supported by AFRI Sustainable Agricultural Systems Coordinated Agricultural Project (SAS-CAP) grant no. 2020-68012-31934 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.enKernzaKernzaCAPtimelineperennial grainThe Land InstituteRodale InstituteMilestones in Kernza® Perennial Grain DevelopmentOther