Rindels, Alan J.Gulliver, John S.Garver, Rodrick J.2011-08-022011-08-021982-04-02https://hdl.handle.net/11299/109962The Minnesota Falls Dam is located on the Minnesota R.iver near Granite Falls, Minnesota. The existing dam and 'powerhouse were originally cc;mstructed in 1905 by the Minnesota Valley Power Company. The ownership of the dam and powerhouse has been" transferred' and the current owner is Northern States Power Company. The generation of electric power was discontinued and the powerhouse demolished in 1961. The purpose of this study is to estimate the cost of redeveloping the hydropower potential of the Minnesota Falls Dam, and the energy and power' that a hydropower facility would produce. The economic analysis required to determine project feasibility will be undertaken by the sponsor.en-USHydropower alternativesHydropower Development alternatives at the Minnesota Falls Dam MN 00152Report