Theera-Ampornpunt, NawananKijsanayotin, BoonchaiSpeedie, Stuart M.2009-02-242009-02-242008-11-11Theera-Ampornpunt N, Kijsanayotin B, Speedie SM. Creating a large database test bed with typographical errors for record linkage evaluation. Poster session presented at: Biomedical and Health Informatics - From Foundations to Applications to Policy. AMIA 2008 Annual Symposium; 2008 Nov 8-12; Washington, DC. conference poster presented at the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA)'s 2008 Annual SymposiumHealth information exchange across multiple organizations requires a method or algorithm to optimally link records of the same individuals using demographic data. Selecting the best record linkage algorithm requires an evaluation to determine its sensitivity and specificity. This evaluation is facilitated by a large database test bed that closely reflects a real world population and takes into account the potential data entry errors that unfortunately occur in real-world databases. This study investigated the synthesis of such a database.en-USrecord linkagedatabase synthesisCreating a Large Database Test Bed with Typographical Errors for Record Linkage EvaluationConference Paper