Chuang, Hui-MinReifenberger, Jeffrey GCao, HanDorfman, Kevin D2017-12-052017-12-052017-12-05 data provided here contains experimental results, all Matlab codes for statistical analysis and for generating figures in the paper.Using a high-throughput genome-mapping approach, we obtained circa 50 million measurements of the extension of internal human DNA segments in a 41 nm × 41 nm nanochannel. The underlying DNA sequences, obtained by mapping to the reference human genome, are 2.5–393 kilobase pairs long and contain percent GC contents between 32.5% and 60%. Using Odijk’s theory for a channel-confined wormlike chain, these data reveal that the DNA persistence length increases by almost 20% as the percent GC content increases. The increased persistence length is rationalized by a model, containing no adjustable parameters, that treats the DNA as a statistical terpolymer with a sequence-dependent intrinsic persistence length and a sequence-independent electrostatic persistence length.Persistence lengthBiomoleculesDNAData from: Sequence-Dependent Persistence Length of Long DNADataset