Linnemanstons, KatherineSchneider, IngridGartner, William2015-07-232015-07-232015-06-30Linnemanstons, Katherine; Schneider, Ingrid; Gartner, William. (2015). Assessing Millennial Brand Equity for the Minnesota Historical Society. University of Minnesota Tourism Center. University of Minnesota Tourism Center worked with the Minnesota Historical Society (MNHS) to investigate its brand equity with millennials (defined as those born between 1980 and 1993). Specifically, the Tourism Center assessed customer-based brand equity with regards to four dimensions: Awareness, Image, Quality and Loyalty. Results from this research will allow promotions and marketing staff to align perceived brand identity with intended brand identity among millennials. Similarly, development professionals can use the information to better understand how to connect with millennials.enbrand equitymillennialsAwarenessimagequalityloyaltymarketingcommunicationAssessing Millennial Brand Equity for the Minnesota Historical SocietyReport