Gill, Kyle G2021-07-162021-07-162021-07 report is intended to provide an overview of project activity during the 2020 calendar year that either occurred at or was based out of one of the University of Minnesota (UMN) Experimental Forest properties. A majority of projects are tracked as part of the UMN Experimental Forests Forest Management and Research (FMR) project record data management system, though there are some that are not due to precedence of scope. A total of 57 projects had field, lab, or analysis/writing activity during the 2020 calendar year. Of these, the primary purpose was listed as "Research" for 35, teaching, education, and/or outreach for 14, four as "Management", three as "Case study/monitoring", and one as "Other". The report includes a table of projects and their activity for 2020 and a table for the references of works that came out from projects during 2020.enProject RecordsUniversity of Minnesota Experimental Forests project activity summary for 2020Report