Evans, Guy N2024-06-272024-06-272024-06-27https://hdl.handle.net/11299/264003Lost City Vent Fluids data are contained in file: LostCityVentFluids_GeochemicalAnalyses.csv Geochemical analyses of experimental fluids from hydrothermal lherzolite alteration experiment are contained in file: LDMP300Fluid_GeochemicalAnalyses.csv Geochemical analyses of rocks from hydrothermal lherzolite alteration experiment are contained in file: LDMP300Rocks_GeochemicalAnalyses.csvThis data set contains chemical analyses of vent fluids collected from Lost City Hydrothermal Field (LCHF) using isobaric gat tight samples in 2008 (cruise KNOX18RR). Analyses of acidified archived samples stored at University of Minnesota were conducted in 2022 with a focus on nutrient transition metal concentrations. An analysis of contemporaneous seawater local to LCHF is also included. This data set also includes chemical analyses of experimental fluid samples obtained from a hydrothermal lherzolite alteration experiment performed at the University of Minnesota in Spring, 2022. 45 g spinel lherzolite from Damaping, Hebei, China (LDMP) was reacted with aqueous solution containing Na = 410 mmol/kg, Ca = 45 mmol/kg, Cl = 500 mmol/kg at 300 degrees C, 500 bar an initial water:rock mass ratio of 1:1.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/seafloor hydrothermalgeochemistryvent fluidstransition metalsLost Cityhydrothermal experimentSeyfried Lab Data: Geochemical Analyses of Lost City Vent Fluids (collected 2008; analyzed 2022) and experimental fluids from lherzolite alteration experiments (2022)Dataset