Taylor, Brian2014-07-292014-07-292014-07-29https://hdl.handle.net/11299/164251FASER flight 05 was the same test as Thor flight 59 -- baseline control testing. It used the same software, the only difference being the gains for the controllers, which are included in the controller code. During the 45 degree banking circles, the airplane lost close to 80 meters. It also lost significant altitude during the earlier basic maneuvers. This was due to too low trim throttle setting - 50%. There were lots of oscillations throughout the test. This may be due to the windy day, or a lack of robustness of the controller. Future flight tests during a calm day is necessary to verify what the problem is. Software modules used were baseline_control, baseline_valid, EKF_15stateControlFASERFlightAnokaACRCBaselineBanksDoubletsEKFFASER Flight 05 v2Other