Craig, Curtis, MMorris, Nichole L2018-04-182018-04-182018-04-18 data files are comma separated values (.csv) files that can be opened in Excel and similar spreadhsheet programs. There are three files, comprising speed and speed variation data, lane deviation data, and eye tracking fixation counts on the messaging interface. For the driving performance variables, CN, CS, AN, AS, AVN, and AVS all refer to Control (PCMS) Northbound (Shoulder Work work zone), Control Southbound (Lane Closure work zone), Audio-only interface northbound, audio-only southbound, audio-visual interface northbound, and audiovisual southbound. Position indicates the placement of the smartphone interface, with 1 reflecting dashboard placement, and 2 reflecting passenger seat placement. Events reflect messaging events in the simulated work zone. Finally, in the eye-tracking dataset, position 1 and 2 is the same as the other data sets, while Interface 1 is control/PCMS, 2 is audio-only, 3 is audio-visual. DriveBound 1 is northbound/shoulderwork, and DriveBound 2 is southbound/laneclosure. TotalN is number of fixations on interface.This study explored the impact of in-vehicle messages to alert drivers to events within a simulated work zone. Participants used a partial motion-based driving simulator made by Realtime Technologies, Inc. Data variables include speed, speed deviation, lane standard deviation, and eye-tracking fixation counts. The data is provided here for reasons of transparency and verification.CC0 1.0 Universaldriving simulationhuman factorsBehavioral Measures for 48 Participants in Work-Zone Messaging Driving Simulation Study collected in 2016 at the University of MinnesotaDataset