Erkkila, Daniel L.Qian, Xinyi2015-02-132015-02-132015 Rapids city officials desired an understanding of the economic impact to the local economy from the annual operations of its IRA Civic Center. Volunteer surveyors were trained to administer a short survey throughout a 12-month period to people who traveled more than 50 miles to attend ice and dry-floor events at the Civic Center. Visitor characteristics were recorded, including estimates of daily spending. These spending profiles, along with attendance estimates from city staff of non-local visitors, provided the estimation of economic impact to Itasca County.As the city considers future upgrades to the IRA Civic Center, local leaders sought a better understanding of the economic contribution of the civic center to the surrounding community. To achieve this goal, Grand Rapids partnered with the University of Minnesota’s Tourism Center to assess the annual economic impact the IRA Civic Center has had on Itasca County. This report summarizes the project’s findings.enEconomic ImpactGrand Rapidscivic centerirahockeyvisitor profileindoor recreationfigure skatingItascayouth hockeylodgingweddingsstaffingovernightAssessing the Annual Economic Impact of the Grand Rapids IRA Civic CenterReport