Arnold, SusanTaylor, AmandaHansen, KatherineAgarwal, VijayLow, WalterPluhar, G. Elizabeth2024-11-212024-11-212024-11-21 data set features clinical information about French bulldogs, boxers, and Boston terriers treated with immunotherapy for high-grade glioma, along with clinical information for French bulldogs treated with immunotherapy, stereotactic radiation therapy, sonodynamic therapy, and palliative care. This includes overall survival for all dogs.This retrospective, multi-institutional study was conducted to examine survival outcomes in immunotherapy-treated French bulldogs compared to closely related breeds, and to French bulldogs treated with several other treatment modalities. French bulldogs treated with immunotherapy experienced significantly shorter overall survival (OS) than boxers and Boston terriers (132 vs. 221 days, respectively). French bulldogs treated with immunotherapy had no significant difference in OS compared to French bulldogs treated palliatively, whereas dogs treated with either a novel therapy involving sonodynamic therapy or stereotactic radiation therapy had significantly longer OS. This study provides evidence for an immunotherapy-resistant form of HGG in French bulldogs, suggesting that the breed harbors key molecular differences affecting the tumor and tumor-immune microenvironment and subsequent poor response to treatment.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International glioma, French bulldog, glioma immunotherapySurvival data from glioma-bearing French bulldogs treated with immunotherapy, stereotactic radiation therapy, sonodynamic therapy, and palliative careDataset