Peterson, Christina2016-08-192016-08-192016-03 of Minnesota M.S. thesis.March 2016. Major: Applied Economics. Advisor: Terrance Hurley. 1 computer file (PDF); iv, 57 pages.An ex-post cost/benefit analysis of corn rootworm traits in the Minnesota corn seed market is performed using data from the introduction of corn rootworm traits in 2003 through 2012. Yield impacts, price premiums, and additional cost effects such as insecticide spending, crop insurance discounts, environmental impacts, and convenience factors are quantified and analyzed. Multiple linear regression models are created for yield and pricing over this time period, and products containing single and multiple corn rootworm traits are differentiated in the models. The results are used to estimate the realized cumulative financial impact, from the corn grower’s perspective, of corn rootworm traits in Minnesota during this time frame.encorn rootwormcost-benefit analysisgenetic modificationThe Economic Impact of Corn Rootworm Resistant Maize in Minnesota from 2003-2012Thesis or Dissertation