Minnesota 3-D2019-06-052019-06-052006https://hdl.handle.net/11299/203414This project used M3D data to attract current employees to live closer to their place of employment. The project was completed to help Minneapolis and St. Paul neighborhoods determine how large healthcare providers connect to their neighborhoods. Neighborhoods benefit not only from the services provided by healthcare facilities, but also from the considerable employment opportunities they provide. Therefore, neighborhoods wanted to know where their healthcare employees live as a way to market residential development projects to them. In addition, M3D data was used to determine how well these employers are currently connecting to their neighborhoods by hiring from within the community. The M3D data show that a majority of employees live outside of their employing neighborhood in a suburban community. St. Paul hospital employees tend to live in the east Twin Cities Metro, and Minneapolis hospital employees tend to live in the west Twin Cities Metro. The data highlight potential marketing areas for attracting employees who may want to shorten their commute time.enCommutersCommutingGeographic Information Systems (GIS)HealthcareMapsMinneapolisMinnesota 3D (M3D)St. PaulDetermining Where Twin Cities Hospital Employees Are Traveling from to Their Place of Employment.Report