Aranda, JennHernandez-Swanson, JocelynGonzalez-Morales, Gloria2023-11-162023-11-162023-01-30 1:05:19 Note: Our Vital Connections On Air episodes are audio-based interviews. Written transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers, and may contain errors. Please check the corresponding audio before referencing content in print.Words have power. In this episode of Vital Connections On Air, we talk to Dr. Gloria ​Gonzalez-Morales. We learn about her journey and her use of language and naming things to create an understanding among people for inclusivity and intergroup dialogue. Listen as she shares insight for organizations and leaders as it relates to positive psychology and topics such as oppressive civility, microaggression, advancing women and women of color into leadership positions, privilege, and more.enEpisode 28: Wake up Minnesota with Dr. Gloria ​Gonzalez-Morales on oppressive civilityAudio