Lee, Jiyeon2024-05-012024-05-012023https://hdl.handle.net/11299/262899This pilot study evaluates the effectiveness of a tailored therapeutic intervention, the PEERS® program, for autistic adolescents with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD). Traditional social skills programs often exclude those with IDD, underscoring the necessity for specialized adaptations. This research focuses on adapting the PEERS® program to meet the unique needs of this population, emphasizing enhancing social skills and improving quality of life. Utilizing a collaborative approach with the Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain and the Speak Right Now team, the study integrates comprehensive literature reviews, preliminary interviews with potential participants and their caregivers, and detailed feedback mechanisms to refine the intervention. Preliminary findings suggest that tailored interventions may significantly improve social skills acquisition among autistic adolescents with IDD. The ongoing study aims to validate these findings through further community-informed adjustments and empirical testing, contributing to more inclusive and effective social skills training programs.enAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)PEERS® ProgramSocial Skills InterventionTherapeutic AdaptationPilot Study, Adapting a Social Skills Program for Autistic Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)Scholarly Text or Essay