Huang, ArthurLevinson, David M2016-05-032016-05-032015Huang, Arthur and David Levinson (2015) Axis of Travel: Modeling non-work destination choice with GPS Data. Transportation Research part C. 58 208-223. on in-vehicle GPS travel data in the Minneapolis - St. Paul Metropolitan Area, this research investigates how land use, road network structure, and route familiarity influence home-based single-destination choice. We propose a new choice set formation approach which combines survival analysis and random selection. Our empirical findings reveal that: (1) Walkable opportunities and diversity of services at the destination influence destination choice. (2) Route-specific network measures such as turn index and speed discontinuity display statistically significant effects on destination choice. (3) The familiarity factors reflected by distance to home, work, and downtown also plays a role. A destination closer to home and work, all else equal, is more likely to be selected. A destination farther away from downtown is more attractive for auto users. This research contributes to methodologies in modeling destination choice using GPS data. The results enhance our understanding of non-work travel behavior and have implications for transportation and land use planning.enGPS data, non-work trips, land use, axis of travel, destination choiceAxis of Travel: Modeling non-work destination choice with GPS DataArticle