Bortz, Ryan2020-08-252020-08-252020-02 of Minnesota M.S. thesis.February 2020. Major: Social and Administrative Pharmacy. Advisor: Jon Schommer. 1 computer file (PDF); vii, 34 pages.Literature and research surrounding transgender people and healthcare is scant. In particular, there is very little information regarding the intersection of transgender people, pharmacy services, pharmacies, and pharmacists. The objective of this study was to describe the experiences of transgender people filling prescriptions in community pharmacies. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eleven self-identifying transgender people. Participants were asked to describe their experiences filling prescriptions at their pharmacies. One theme identified was a struggle with obtaining the correct needles and/or syringes for participants using injectable hormones. Moreover, based on the professional experience of the author, systemic issues related to pharmacy software introduce difficulty and multiple opportunities for error when processing prescriptions for needles and syringes. A multi-pronged approach of addressing educational needs as well as streamlining the prescription fulfillment process within pharmacy software systems should be used in order to more fully prevent these errors in the future.enLGBTQPharmacyPrescriptionTransgenderExperiences Of Transgender People Filling Prescriptions In Community PharmaciesThesis or Dissertation