Drasgow, FritzLevine, Michael V.McLaughlin, Mary E.2011-09-012011-09-011991Drasgow, Fritz, Levine, Michael V & McLaughlin, Mary E. (1991). Appropriateness measurement for some multidimensional test batteries. Applied Psychological Measurement, 15, 171-191. doi:10.1177/014662169101500207doi:10.1177/014662169101500207https://hdl.handle.net/11299/114332Model-based methods for the detection of individuals inadequately measured by a test have generally been limited to unidimensional tests. Extensions of unidimensional appropriateness indices are developed here for multi-unidimensional tests (i.e., multidimensional tests composed of unidimensional subtests). Simulated and real data were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the multitest appropriateness indices. Very high rates of detection of spuriously high and spuriously low response patterns were obtained with the simulated data. These detection rates were comparable to rates obtained for long unidimensional tests (both simulated and real) with approximately the same number of items. For real data, similarly high detection rates were obtained in the spuriously high condition; slightly lower detection rates were observed for the spuriously low condition. Several directions for future research are described. Index terms: appropriateness measurement, item response theory, multidimensional tests, optimal appropriateness measurement, polychotomous measurement.enAppropriateness measurement for some multidimensional test batteriesArticle