Verhoeven, Michael2023-02-162023-02-162022-12 of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. December 2022. Major: Conservation Biology. Advisor: Daniel Larkin. 1 computer file (PDF); x, 142 pages.Determining what mechanisms drive native species declines and what governs their recovery is foundational to understanding community change, and successfully applying this knowledge to limit further losses or restore degraded ecosystems. Efforts to reduce invasive plant populations are often considered critical for halting degradation of native plant communities and fostering their subsequent recovery or restoration. To assess whether management of two invasive plants—Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) and curlyleaf pondweed (Potamogeton crispus)—is likely to foster recovery of native aquatic plant communities, I integrate experimental and observational methods to study community assembly processes in aquatic plants. Chapter 1 builds the foundation for subsequent studies by constructing an observational monitoring database, compiled from more than 500,000 plant observations collected by disparate sources over a 19-year period. In Chapter 2, I use niche models to unpack how patterns of dominance seen in P. crispus and M. spicatum have likely arisen through different mechanisms, predicting direct competition with native species is less likely for P. crispus than M. spicatum. The aquatic plants database is used in Chapter 3 to assess invader control for boosting native plant communities in real-world management projects, with a focus on comparing the two invaders to test predictions from niche models. I show that limitations of monitoring data constrain estimation of causal effects of management. This limits the generalizability of the findings, highlighting the need for more strategic allocation of aquatic plant monitoring efforts and improved tracking of management interventions. In Chapter 4 I synthesize results of a 4-year, in-lake field experiment and the 19-year, statewide observational data, using community assembly theory to ascribe changes in plant communities to three major mechanisms (invader competition, environmental conditions, and regional species pools) and assess the scales at which these mechanisms shape aquatic plant communities. The results highlight complexity and interactivity of community assembly in this system, with mixed evidence for each mechanism and strong differences across scales. This research demonstrates that contrary to common dogma in aquatic plant management, invaders’ relationships with recipient communities are nuanced, and that invader control alone is insufficient to achieve restoration.enCommunity ecologyCompetitionEnvironmental dataInvasive speciesLake managementMacrophyteCommunity assembly, invasion, and management of aquatic plant communitiesThesis or Dissertation