Lundell, Dana BrittHigbee, Jeanne L.2007-11-272007-11-272002 theme for this monograph arose from lively, productive conversations at the First Intentional Meeting on Future Directions in Developmental Education, October 1999, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, sponsored by the Center for Research on Developmental Education and Urban Literacy and General College at the University of Minnesota. Norman Stahl’s (2000) summary of one of the salient themes from this meeting, reprinted as the opening piece in this monograph, calls upon the field of researchers and practitioners in developmental education to articulate the field’s diverse histories and foundations as a way to guide future practice, theory, and research. Stahl suggests examining the field’s past through a variety of lenses, including theoretical lenses, national and local policy issues, curricular and pedagogical trends, research frameworks, important individuals and students, and other items that mark the field’s work. The history is rich and highly diverse, and by making our work visible through documenting these activities, the field can strengthen its position as a leading force within higher education.en-USeducationHistories of Developmental EducationReport