University of Minnesota Duluth. Career and Internship Services2024-08-302024-08-302018 item includes highlights (UGFUR Highlights 2016-17 Web.jpg), by location (GFUR by Location SoMe Graphic.jpg), by college (CEHSP GFUR 2016-17.pdf, CLA GFUR 2016-17.pdf, Graduate GFUR 2016-17.pdf, LSBE GFUR 2016-17.pdf, SCSE GFUR 2016-17.pdf, SFA GFUR 2016-17.pdf), and a zipped folder (GFUR By Major Reports containing the 88 reports by major.enUniversity of Minnesota DuluthCareer and Internship ServicesGraduate Follow-up Report 2016-2017Administrative Document