Johnson, Rodney CMlinar, Matthew ASpigarelli, Brett PPost, Sara P2022-09-082022-09-082022-09-15 purpose of this study was to initiate a long-term comprehensive characterization program of the remaining iron resources of the Mesabi Iron Range to provide a foundation for the future iron industry in Minnesota. This data is being used to direct research in the areas of reducing reliance on fossil fuels, reducing emissions, and to identify and develop value-added iron products that could be produced from underutilized portions of Minnesota iron resources. Two complete sections of the iron formation were analyzed in this study. The results have contributed to a better understanding of the mineralogical variability within the iron formation; the impacts of oxidation on iron product quality; the potential for new iron-based products; and the presence of trace elements.enNatural Resources Research InstituteUniversity of Minnesota DuluthWestern Mesabi RangeBiwabik Iron Formationoxidized iron oretaconitetailingsmineral processinglow-intensity magnetic separation (LIMS)selective flocculation-deslime-flotation (SFDF)Western Mesabi Iron Resources of the FutureNatural Resources Research Institute Technical ReportTechnical Report