Bowker, Albert H. (Albert Hosmer), 1919-20082011-06-082011-06-081979-05-21Albert H. Bowker, OH 6. Oral history interview by Pamela McCorduck, 21 May 1979, Berkeley, Calif. Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 6, 12 pp.Bowker discusses his role in the formation of the Stanford University computer science department, and his vision, as early as 1956, of computer science as an academic discipline. He relates the difficulties he had in convincing colleagues of his view, his success in hiring George Forsythe in 1959, and the creation of a Division of Computer Science in 1963.en-USComputer historyStanford University. -- Computer Science Dept.Computer scienceOral history interview with Albert H. BowkerOral History