Zamora, DiomyWyatt, GaryButtler, MeganFord, MaggieMagner, JoeReichenbach, MikeBurkett, EleanorCurrent, DeanWalter, Dusty2020-08-212020-08-212017 archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information is available from the University of Minnesota Extension: an agroforestry practice, Silvopasture intentionally integrates livestock, forage production, and trees into an intensively managed system. The forage, trees, and livestock in silvopasture complement one another to increase productivity. The practice of silvopasture provides annual income from livestock (e.g., meat, dairy products) while fostering long-term economic benefits from trees including timber, fence posts, firewood, fruit, and nuts. This guidebook was created to increase awareness of silvopasture in Minnesota.ensilvopastureagroforestrySilvopasture: Establishment and Management Principles for MinnesotaManual or Documentation