Minor, Elizabeth CShreiner, KathrynSheik, Cody2018-11-202018-11-202018-11-20https://hdl.handle.net/11299/200935File List: A. Filename: post-refinery report_082918.pdf Short description: Final project report "SeaGrant Funding Summary: Rapid Response to the Superior Refinery Fire" B. Filename: post-refineryTOC&DOC_archive.csv Short description: Total organic carbon (TOC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) data from Shimadzu TOC-Vcsh Analyzer, samples from 1 to 3 days after refinery fire in Superior, WI (April 26, 2018) C. Filename: post-refineryPOC_archive.csv Short description: Particulate organic carbon (POC) data from Finnegan Delta PLus XP IRMS with Conflo interface coupled to a Costech ECS 4010 EA, samples from 1 to 3 days after refinery fire in Superior, WI (April 26, 2018) D. Filename: post-refinery_BCSAMPLES2_archive.csv Short description: Black carbon (BC) data from Finnegan Delta PLus XP IRMS with Conflo interface coupled to a Costech ECS 4010 EA, samples from 1 to 3 days after refinery fire in Superior, WI (April 26, 2018). BC isolated following Zigah et al 2012. E. Filename: Collated data_refinery sampling_archive.csv Short description: TOC, DOC, POC, BC, and sampling location data collated into one spreadsheet. 2. Relationship between files: Files A and E are summary files; A is a report while E is a spreadsheet of data. Files B, C, and D are the data work-up, including blanks and calibrations, for the data summarized in A and E.On April 26, 2018, there were multiple explosions and a fire at the Husky Refinery in Superior, WI. Safety measures worked well, with no loss of life and few injuries; however, significant smoke and soot emissions from the fire itself did impact the local airways and may also have impacted local watersheds, the Twin Ports harbor and far western Lake Superior. Thus, we measured water quality in the St. Louis estuary and far-western Lake Superior in an attempt to determine if residual petroleum products and/or black carbon (soot) associated with the refinery fire entered Lake Superior or the Saint Louis estuary in measurable amounts. There were indications of very localized impact in total organic carbon and dissolved organic carbon data and aerial deposition of soot in some black carbon samples from surface waters. We did not find measurable petroleum hydrocarbon in our samples.CC0 1.0 UniversalLake SuperiorSaint Louis estuaryorganic carbonblack carbonrefinery fire 2018Sampling of St. Louis Estuary and Lake Superior surface water after the Superior Refinery Fire in 2018Datasethttps://doi.org/10.13020/D64M64