Grout, Frank F.2010-01-202010-01-201926 bulletin treats the geology and mineral deposits of a large area in northern St. Louis County, extending northward to the Canadian boundary. It lies north of the Mesabi iron range and includes most of the Vermilion iron range. It lies south of the Rainy Lake area of Canada. Because it adjoins the world's greatest iron-producing area it has been the subject of much interest to explorers and prospectors seeking new deposits of iron ore and parts of the area have been surveyed by the United States Geological Survey and the earlier Minnesota state surveys. Much of the area, however, had not been surveyed in detail. The report includes a general map of the area (Plate I) several detailed maps of small areas of economic interest and 88 township plats. These township plats are essentially outcrop maps and cover the entire area. approximately 2800 square miles.engeologyiron oreMinnesota Geological SurveymagnetiteSt. Louis Countynortheastern MinnesotaBulletin No. 21. The Geology and Magnetite Deposits of Northern St. Louis County, MinnesotaMap