Lewis, Jenny2009-12-152009-12-152009-12-15Lewis, Jenny. Visitability Policy. Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs. 15 Dec. 2009. Master of Public Affairs.https://hdl.handle.net/11299/55732Professional paper for the fulfillment of the Master of Public Policy degreeThis paper explores visitability in single-family homes. First, I will identify the prevalence of disability and the implications of an aging population. I will discuss the impact and evolution of the disability rights movement and accessible housing policy. Next, I will compare the ideologies and implications of the three design principles: accessibility, universal design, and visitability. I will look at the architectural features that compose visitability. International, state and local governments have initiated voluntary and mandatory visitability programs with varying success and I will discuss these, paying particular attention to Minnesota policy. I will identify stakeholders and illuminate their concerns about visitability. Finally, I will look to the future and the potential for the expansion of visitability.en-USVisitabilityDisability PolicyVisitability PolicyThesis or Dissertation