LaVoi, Nicole M.Baeth, Ann2023-11-302023-11-302021-06-24 25:48Nicole's guest this week is Dr. Anna Baeth, Director of Research at Athlete Ally; an organization with the mission to end the rampant homophobia and transphobia in sport and to activate the athletic community to exercise their leadership to champion LGBTQI+ equality. Anna is a former Research Assistant in the Tucker Center, and forever a member of the Tucker Team. She is a field hockey and lacrosse coach, at all levels, notably was head field hockey coach at Oberlin College, a graduate of the Masters in Coaching program at Smith College and earned her BA at Swarthmore. In this week’s show we talk about code switching related to gender and competition, her dissertation research on supports for women coaches, the Athletic Equality Index she helped develop at Athlete Ally, and advice for young women scholars.enTucker Center Talks: S3E10 - An Ally in Gender & SportAudio