Saladin, Christopher2024-08-262024-08-262024-08-26 Digital Roman Carthage project maps the archaeological history of the Roman colony at Carthage from its foundation in the late 1st century BCE to its destruction and abandonment in the late 7th century CE. The spatial data presented here was gathered from nearly two centuries worth of archaeological excavations to reflect the most up to date consensus on each of Carthage's many Roman era features. The following data layers are available to download as GIS shapefiles: - Excavated Building Schematics: The primary data layer (excavated buildings) displays a catalogue of 115 excavated buildings or sets of buildings for which there are available site plans and ample archaeological evidence - Structures with Limited Evidence: The secondary data layer that displays the approximate location of structures which either lack a published site plan or are based on conjecture from poor evidence. - Infrastructure: Represents approximated non-building features that formed foundations of infrastructural features. - Waterworks: Represent features pertaining to Carthage's water supply. - Street grid: Represents the projected street grid of Carthage, represented as insulae blocks. - Theodosian Wall: Represents the likely course of the city wall built c. 425 CE. This version of the project was created as a companion to the dissertation, "Resurrecting Carthage" (Chris Saladin, University of Minnesota, 2023). All sources are cited in the associated data tables. The data can be downloaded here as ZIP file of map shapefiles, viewed in a table format in the dissertation, or viewed in the linked ArcGIS web application: Digital Roman Carthage project maps the archaeological history of the Roman colony at Carthage from its foundation in the late 1st century BCE to its destruction and abandonment in the late 7th century CE. The data presented here was gathered from nearly two centuries worth of archaeological excavations to reflect the most up to date consensus on each of Carthage's many Roman era features. This version of the project was created as a companion to the dissertation, "Resurrecting Carthage" (Chris Saladin, University of Minnesota, 2023). The data can be downloaded here as ZIP file of map shapefiles, viewed in a table format in the dissertation, or viewed in the linked ArcGIS web application.CarthageAncient HistoryRoman HistoryRoman North AfricaHistorical GISArchaeologyPunicDigital Roman Carthage - Version IDataset