Gerrity, Erica2018-07-242018-07-242013 presentation was part of the "Unbarred: Strengthening Families Affected by Incarceration" Lessons from the Field event held November 14, 2013. This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: about Erica Gerrity’s work with incarcerated pregnant mothers at the Shakopee Women's Prison in Minnesota, and her research on improving outcomes for children born of incarcerated mothers. This presentation was part of University of Minnesota Extension Children, Youth & Family Consortium's Lessons from the Field event held November 14, 2013. The topic of the entire event was "Unbarred: Strengthening Families Affected by Incarceration."enCYFCLessons from the Fieldparental incarcerationsecondary traumatic stresschildren's mental healthPrison Doulas: An Innovative Healthcare Strategy for Incarcerated Women PresentationPresentation