Ross, Natalie2019-06-192019-06-192002 Nokomis East Neighborhood Association (NENA) is interested in creating a new bus service in the area bounded by Lake Nokomis, Minnehaha Creek, The Hiawatha LRT line and Highway 62. Within this area, a neighborhood circulator is envisioned to connect Nokomis residents with local business as well as the Hiawatha LRT. Though the service would try to cater to the transit reliant populations, it also is aimed at increasing public transit ridership of all residents to help reduce traffic congestion as well as build community. Demographic analysis is employed to assess what type of ridership to expect from a Neighborhood Circulator service. Specific demographics such as elderly population, non-elderly low income population, zero and one car households and percentage of persons with disabilities were helpful in determining transit dependant populations which are more likely to ride a public bus. To put the demographics into perspective, Metro Transit's 'Market Area Standards' were used to suggest what type of service the area should have (including type of bus, frequency of service, number of stops, etc.). A neighborhood survey was conducted to assess current transit use as well as opinion on a new bus, and which locations residents would be interested in going to. The results were graphically represented to find patterns in responses. The survey was intended to help develop a bus route through respondents preferences in circulator destinations, and these responses were mapped as well. The report shows where the transit dependant populations reside, what destinations are most attractive to residents, as well as how residents currently use public transit.enBusesHiawatha CorridorLight-Rail Transit (LRT)MinneapolisNeighborhood Planning for Community Revitalization (NPCR)Nokomis East NeighborhoodRidershipRidesharingTrafficTransitTransportationNokomis Neighborhood Circulator Feasibility StudyReport