Andregg, Michael M.2020-01-022020-01-022009-11-17 is a 48 slide, PowerPoint review of every aspect of nuclear weapons that first responders should know about that can be packed into a 90 minute time period. It covers elementary weapons effects, inventories around the world including allies, enemies and troublesome third parties, numbers relevant to an SS-18 attack on Minnesota, and responses that could mitigate effects. It also covers biological and chemical WMDs, but in less detail since they are much less liable to end civilization as we know it, which the nuclear arsenals certainly could.This is a 48 slide, PowerPoint review of every aspect of nuclear weapons that first responders should know about that can be packed into a 90 minute time period. It covers elementary weapons effects, inventories around the world including allies, enemies and troublesome third parties, numbers relevant to an SS-18 attack on Minnesota, and responses that could mitigate effects. It also covers biological and chemical WMDs, but in less detail since they are much less liable to end civilization as we know it, which the nuclear arsenals certainly could.ennuclear weaponsemergency preparednessintelligence studiesweapons of mass destructionWeapons of Mass Destruction: From Worst Case Scenarios to RealityConference Paper