Dyer, Ben2011-06-092011-06-092004-05-07Ben Dyer, OH 382. Oral history interview by Nathan Ensmenger, 7 May 2004, Needham, Massachusetts. Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. http://purl.umn.edu/107274OH 382https://hdl.handle.net/11299/107274Transcript, 18 pp.Ben Dyer, an industrial engineering graduate from Georgia Tech, describes joining the Computer System Center, one of the earliest computer stores in the United States.. He then switched to providing accounting software for minicomputers which led to Peachtree Software with accounting programs for CP/M computers. IBM identified Peachtree accounting software as a principal product for the IBM PC and provided funding for its development to run under PC/MS DOS. Dyer describes the purchase of Peachtree Software by MSA and its subsequent divestiture. Finally, Dyer discusses his activities post-Peachtree.en-USComputer historyMicrosoft Corporation.Management Science America, Inc.International Business Machines Corporation.Computer System Center.Accounting -- Software.Peachtree Software, Inc.Oral history interview with Ben DyerOral History