Cordo, QuinnWilliams, MichelleSantana, Daly2016-05-202016-05-202015 and poster completed by students enrolled in YOST 5032: Adolescent and Youth Development of Youthworkers, taught by Ross VeLure-Roholt in spring 2015.This project was completed as part of a year-long partnership between the City of Rosemount and the University of Minnesota’s Resilient Communities Project ( Recent trends have shown that teen substance abuse is a serious issue affecting the health and safety of youth. Research has also shown that programs such as the D.A.R.E. model are outdated and ineffective. The goal of this project was to research and identify an effective school-based program for reducing drug and alcohol use among adolescents in Rosemount. In collaboration with students from Rosemount High School and city project lead Chad Rosa, a police officer for the City of Rosemount, a team of students in YOST 5032: Adolescent and Youth Development for Youthworkers evaluated Rosemount High School’s current health-based curriculum, identified gaps and opportunities for improvement, and wrote a grant proposal to potentially fund a recommended alternative curriculum called UpFront Programs. A final report and poster from the project are available.ensustainabilitylocal governmentRosemountRosemount Projects, 2014-2015UpFront Programs: Reality-Based Solutions for Rosemount High SchoolReport