Kennedy, Patricia LAndersen, David E2017-01-202017-01-202005-12-05 of northern goshawks (Accipiter gentilis atricapillus) in the western Great Lakes region (the northern forested portions of Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin and the southern forested portions of Ontario) is hampered by a lack of population data and information about goshawk-habitat relations. In this report, we provide a brief summary of existing information on goshawks in the WGLR, and conclude that existing data are few and have limited applicability to regional conservation and monitoring of the breeding goshawk population. Furthermore, we identify important considerations in establishing monitoring protocols for goshawks, and suggest approaches to address limitations associated with existing data.enRESEARCH AND MONITORING PLAN FOR NORTHERN GOSHAWKS (Accipter gentilis atricapillus) IN THE WESTERN GREAT LAKES REGION, 2005Report