VanderWaal, KimberlyGilbertson, MarieOkanga, SharonAllan, Brian F.Craft, Meggan E.2017-07-132017-07-132017-07-13 edgelists can be used to simulate disease spread in the wet or dry season using the modeling code in OPC_cattle_model_DRUM.R. A dynamic edgelist (edges.dynamic.dry.csv or edges.dynamic.wet.csv) should be read into the modeling code as part of the read.csv(file.choose()) function. The code should be run in entirety to load the function Net.model(). Then run Net.model() to produce the output. See the Readme.txt file for more details.This data consists of weighted edgelists representing the frequency with which mobile herds of cattle came into contact with one another in central Kenya. In addition, code is included that simulates the spread of a pathogen through the cattle network. This data can be used to better understand patterns of contact among cattle herds and its implication for the spread of pathogens.CC0 1.0 Universal analysisdisease ecologyepidemiologyEpidemiological Model and Weighted Edgelists of Contacts Among Cattle Herds in the Dry and Wet Season in Central KenyaDataset