Steffenson, BrianKilian, AndrzejKudrna, David A.Kleinhofs, AndrisYano, MasahiroKurata, NoriSasaki, Takuji2017-06-252017-06-251995-07-25Kilian, Kudrna, Kleinhofs, Yano, Kurata, Steffenson, & Sasaki. (1995). Rice-barley synteny and its application to saturation mapping of the barley Rpg1 region. Nucleic Acids Research, 23(14), 2729-33.0305-1048 order to facilitate the map-based cloning of the barley stem rust resistance gene Rpg1, we have demonstrated a high degree of synteny at a micro level between the telomeric region of barley chromosome 1P and rice chromosome 6. We have also developed and applied a simple and efficient method for selecting useful probes from large insert genomic YAC and cosmid clones. The gene order within the most terminal 6.5 cM of barley chromosome 1P was compared with the most terminal 2.7 cM of rice chromosome 6. Nine rice probes, previously mapped in rice or isolated from YAC or cosmid clones from this region, were mapped in barley. All, except one, were in synteny with the rice gene order. The exception, probe Y617R, was duplicated in barley. One copy was located on a different chromosome and the other in a non-syntenic position on barley chromosome 1P. The barley probes from this region could not be mapped to rice, but two of them were inferred to be in a syntenic location based on their position on a rice YAC. This work demonstrates the utility of applying the results of genetic and physical mapping of the small genome cereal rice to map-based cloning of interesting genes from large genome relatives.engene Rpg1Rice-barley syntenyRice-barley synteny and its applications to saturation mapping of the barley Rpg1 regionArticle