Werber, Jay RHillmyer, Marc APeterson, Colin HStipanic, Dean F2022-11-142022-11-142022-11-14https://hdl.handle.net/11299/243184The files are organized by Figure, with the type of analysis noted in the folder name and in the filenames. UV-Vis data is exported into Excel files and organized by wavelength (nm) and absorbance. NMR files can be opened with MNOVA. SEC files are present as exported dRI data in Excel and as raw data files to be opened with Astra. IR files are exported into Excel files and organized by wavenumber (cm^-1) and transmittance. SEM files are tiff image files, and are the original files generated during electron microscopy. Optical micrographs are tiff image files, and are the original files generated during microscopy. Ruler images are also included for calibration. DSC files are present as XLS exports and .TRI files to be opened with TA Trios software. ICP-OES files are present as XLS exports, containing raw data and processed data. SAXS files are present as txt files of the one-dimensional azimuthally averaged data. The columns are q (A^-1), relative intensity (cm-1), and the statistical error in intensity associated with the averaging method (cm^-1).Experimental and Modeling data in support of Published Article "Polymeric Microcapsules as Robust Mimics of Emulsion Liquid Membranes for Selective Ion Separations" in Environmental Science & TechnologyCC0 1.0 Universalhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/microcapsulesion separationmembraneSupporting data for Polymeric Microcapsules as Robust Mimics of Emulsion Liquid Membranes for Selective Ion SeparationsDatasethttps://doi.org/10.13020/8wyz-xv68